Automated Call Block - Filter unwanted calls before the phone rings. If the number is not stored in your phonebook, the caller will be asked to press a number before the call is connected. Calls from an automated source are disconnected before ringing.
Dedicated Nuisance Call Block Button - Block unwanted calls with ease using the dedicated button. When the phone is ringing or even mid-call, you can press the Call Block button to add the caller to your blocked list to prevent them from bothering you again.
Talking Caller ID - Identify the caller without looking at the handset. The base unit will announce the caller so that you know who is calling.
Advanced Answering Machine System - Catch answering machine calls whether you are at home or away. At home the base unit can alert you with a sound. Away, it can send you send an alert via a call to a preregistered phone number.
Store up to 250 names and numbers - Store up to 250 names and numbers